Thursday, 7 April 2011

Official VC9 Apache downloads

An interesting question came up today regarding where on the Apache site does one get the official VC9 build.

Most that ask this question would be new Http Server Setup users looking to install VC9 Php 5.3.6 or VC9 Php 5.3.8 with VC9 Apache 2.2.17 or Apache 2.2.19.

Now that query actually had me stumped because i am pretty sure our latest Php 5.3.6 install guide pretty much answers this question with solutions quite adequately.

But here was this question from a purely apache point of view. And our Apache 2.2.17 install guide or Apache 2.2.19 install guide is pretty darn good too. But yes, it didn't quite answer this fully. So I have made an amendment to the apache install guide which now includes a link so that you can check in case this ever changes, but for now, the only official Apache for Windows downloads are the VC6 version downloads.

You can also download official apache 2.2.17 / apache 2.2.19 through our apache install guide or access non-official Apache VC9 versions through our newer php install guides.

And by official we mean the x86 32 bit binaries as provided by willing Apache Software Foundation community members and are available for download from the official apache website.

And this means that if you want to use official Apache software, you should look to install Php Version 5.3.5 (or earlier) as Php, with malice aforethought, did not release a 5.3.6 VC6 update with this or any other new release. See our newer PHP guides to learn where to download the VC9 Versions which work with the newer PHP releases.

Get Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Docs

Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Official Documentation Volume I
Server Administration

Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Official Documentation Volume II
Security and Server Programs

Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Official Documentation Volume III
Modules A-H

Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Official Documentation Volume IV
Modules I-V

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