Ever wondered how you can create a photo frame effect using tables? A little while ago i was playing with tables code to produce a nice table template for any web page design.
This included having the copy and paste code at your finger tips. And then by adding a little css, you can have a tool to check your if your table is rendered correctly and to help spot exactly where the code is out.
The i took it one step further and showed how you can take the outside and use it as a frame or, even insert a graphic in there. The basic color frame is cut and paste. For the graphics demo, you'll need to review my source code.
This included having the copy and paste code at your finger tips. And then by adding a little css, you can have a tool to check your if your table is rendered correctly and to help spot exactly where the code is out.
The i took it one step further and showed how you can take the outside and use it as a frame or, even insert a graphic in there. The basic color frame is cut and paste. For the graphics demo, you'll need to review my source code.
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